René de Feijter - Efectis The Netherlands

René de Feijter

Project Leader Fire Investigation

Efectis Nederland

René De Feijter started his career in 1989 as a volunteer fire fighter at the Vlissingen Fire Department and was a professional fire fighter and fire prevention officer from 1992 – 2007.

He represented the Dutch Fire departments in the standardization committee for fire safety in buildings and worked on fire safety in large scale projects like the railway tunnels for the Highspeed line and Betuweroute.

As an International Certified Fire Investigator, he investigates fires to determine the cause, the fire development, the impact on constructions and materials and the response of Emergency response teams and Fire departments to the fire.  He is hired as a Court expert in civil and criminal cases and as an expert for the Police and Dutch Safety Board. He also was involved in the investigation of several major fires like the TU-Delft, Chemie Pack Moerdijk and Psychiatric Hospital Rivierduinen Oegstgeest and fires in Qatar, Germany, Belgium and Curaçao. He is also a guest lecturer at the Amsterdam University of applied science and the Delft University.

Biographies in PDF

PowerPoint Presentation Rene de Feijter